The adult reads the book. Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert or a similar alphabet book.
The adult then tells the child to look at her card as she reads the book, so she can find the letters in her name. “Listen closely and watch each page carefully. Tell me when you see a letter in your name.”
The child matches the letters in own name with the letters in the book.
Early childhood educators and parents can use many opportunities during the day to point out letters and sounds in environmental print and in books. Give children materials to practice writing, and when books are read talk about the words and the letters and sound-letter associations. Children can also find certain letters they know or find matching letters on the page. Help them identify the sounds the letters make in the words on the page. Also, it is important to let children dictate what they want to write to an adult or older sibling so they can see their words in print and read them back. This helps them learn the writing and reading process.
 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015
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