The adult has a discussion about “What is your favorite day of the week?” “What holiday do you like to share with your family?” Talk about family members.
First, have the child name the days of the week and ask, “What is your favorite day of the week?” “Why?” Repeat with the months. See what months the child identifies, then see which months she likes and why. Add in months she forgets to mention. Repeat with holidays. Add in holidays she forgets to mention. Ask about how many people come to her holiday celebrations.
The child understands number concepts and talks about numbers.
Encourage early childhood educators and parents to talk about events in the child’s life in relation to days and months. For example, “We have dance class on Thursday afternoons.” Holidays are commonly discussed at the time of the holiday, but should be related to months and seasons. “Christmas is in the winter in December.” Relating events to specific time frames helps the child remember the time concept.
 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015
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