North Carolina Early Learning and Development Progressions: Birth to Five

Domain: NC Foundations for Early Learning: Language Development and Communication (LDC)

Subdomain: Foundations for Writing

Goal: Children use knowledge of letters in attempts to write.

Skill Progression: Use knowledge of letters in attempts to write

Age: 48-54 Months

Click here to go to all skills for ages 48-54 Months.

Writes letter-like forms along with scribbles to represent writing

Situations for Observation of Skill

Have paper and pencil or markers for the child.

Elicitation Strategy

Ask the child to write under one of her drawings her name and a label for her drawing.

Behavior Observed

The child wants to write more than her name. She wants to convey comments and stories. Her efforts result in a combination of real letters, letter-like symbols, and scribbles. She groups units of symbols and letters in blocks representing words across the page from left to right.

Routines-based Intervention (Embedded Instruction)

Adults can encourage writing for meaningful reasons, and encourage children to ask about spelling. “Tell me if you want to know the letters that spell the word.” Adults need to make sure children understand the sounds of the letters, the combined sounds, etc.

 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015

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