North Carolina Early Learning and Development Progressions: Birth to Five

Domain: NC Foundations for Early Learning: Health and Physical Development (HPD)

Subdomain: Self-Care

Goal: Children develop independence in caring for themselves and their environment.

Skill Progression: Self-care

Age: 30-33 Months

You may choose a different domain, go back, or click on a skill below for more information.

Chooses clothing for the weather

Situations for Observation of Skill

Interview the parent. Interview the parent.

Elicitation Strategy

Ask the adult about the child’s choice of clothing in relation to the weather.

Behavior Observed

The child has the skills to pull up covers and straighten a blanket.

Routines-based Intervention (Embedded Instruction)

Whether the child does household tasks is partially dependent on the expectations of the family. Some families do not involve the child in chores or let them select clothing.

 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015

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