List of Skills by Age
1-2 Months
2-4 Months
Cries differently for pain and hunger
4-6 Months
Imitates sounds and mouth movements needed for speech
Says “mama”/”dada” without meaning
Demonstrates pleasure and displeasure by vocalizing
6-8 Months
8-10 Months
“Sings” along with familiar songs
10-12 Months
Uses social gestures (e.g., bye-bye wave)
Points to known people and objects
12-15 Months
Unintelligible except for a few words, mostly with consonant-vowel sequence
15-18 Months
Accurately imitates some words
Uses commands ("Stop it" "Don't")
18-21 Months
Produces language to express refusal; “No” is common
Produces two-word phrases or telegraphic speech (words imply a whole sentence)
21-24 Months
Produces words more than gestures
24-27 Months
Uses negative sentences for nonexistence (no cookie), rejection (no nite-nite) and denial (no break)
27-30 Months
Modifies nouns in an object position (e.g., Daddy is a big man.)
30-33 Months
Produces imperative implying “you"
Converses about people, places, and objects that are not present
Demonstrates awareness that sentences need noun and verb phrases
Produces utterances that describe physical characteristics (“big doggie”)
Produces negative before a verb (“no go”) as well as “no,” “not,” “can’t,” “don’t
33-36 Months
Produces declaratives, negatives, questions, and imperatives
Produces spatial, comparative, and temporal concepts in discussion
Produces and, but, and because to combine sentences
36-42 Months
Produces pronouns appropriately
Uses word order to understand communication
42-48 Months
48-54 Months
Describes how to do something in detail
Retells stories and events in sequence
54-60 Months
 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015
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