North Carolina Early Learning and Development Progressions: Birth to Five

Domain: NC Foundations for Early Learning: Language Development and Communication (LDC)

Subdomain: Learning to Communicate

Goal: Children respond to and use a growing vocabulary.

Skill Progression: Respond to and use a growing vocabulary

Age: 24-27 Months

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Produces number words: Knows numbers one and two and knows “one more”

Situations for Observation of Skill

Observe the child during snack or play time with different sizes of snacks or toys.

Elicitation Strategy

During play time or snack time the adult asks the child to give her items. For example, “Can I have one cracker (or block) please?” “I need one more, please.” “Look at how many I have now!” During snack or play, talk about the food or toys. “I need a big block for mine.” “Do you like the little crackers or big crackers?”

Behavior Observed

The child comments on the number of items, up to two, and identifies the size when two items are compared.

Routines-based Intervention (Embedded Instruction)

Help early childhood educators and parents incorporate numbers into their day by talking about one and two items. For example, even though the child is given several small blueberries, adults can use terms like “one at a time,” or ask “Do you want one or two?” Encourage adults to also use words that compare objects, such as big, little, small, etc. First person pronouns are difficult to learn because when adults model their use, the words are the opposite of the child’s point of view. The mother says, “I want you to go to bed.” The adult is “I” child is “you.” The child needs to understand how to reverse that meaning when she is speaking. Siblings can help model when they are speaking to others. Early childhood educators and parents can also use dolls, action figures, or puppets to model the usage. That allows the child to view the usage and meaning from an objective perspective.

 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015

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