North Carolina Early Learning and Development Progressions: Birth to Five

Domain: NC Foundations for Early Learning: Language Development and Communication (LDC)

Subdomain: Learning to Communicate

Goal: Children respond to and use a growing vocabulary.

Skill Progression: Respond to and use a growing vocabulary

Age: 54-60 Months

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Uses complex directional and time relational words (e.g., then, first, next, forward, backward)

Situations for Observation of Skill

Set up a dramatic play toy store.

Elicitation Strategy

Ask the child to organize toys by type and color, organize them on tables, and make signs for their price. The adult and other children then shop at the toy store. Ask and prompt other children to ask questions about: Weights, sizes, colors, etc.; amount of money, comparison of costs; how toys operate; priorities for purchase (first, next, etc.); type of toy wanted in a category (e.g., vehicle); number of toys available, purchased, etc.; coins needed to pay amount.

Behavior Observed

The child enjoys being a salesman. She is able to discuss different items in a category and compare them to each other. She describes the products, compares them to other products, and talks about the benefits and costs.

Routines-based Intervention (Embedded Instruction)

Children are beginning to do seriation, or arrangement of concepts in some type of hierarchical relationship. Start with three items and ask children to organize them from lowest to highest, lightest to darkest, least to most, etc. Comparisons of larger numbers of items can follow. Have them add directional or relational words to explain their arrangement. For example, “This one is first because it is the lightest shade. This one is next because it is a little bit darker…,” etc. Comparative terms are important for math and classification.

 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015

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