North Carolina Early Learning and Development Progressions: Birth to Five

Domain: NC Foundations for Early Learning: Cognitive Development (CD)

Subdomain: Scientific Exploration and Knowledge

Goal: Children observe and describe characteristics of living things and the physical world

Skill Progression: Observe and describe characteristics of living things and the physical world

Age: 33-36 Months

You may choose a different domain, go back, or click on a skill below for more information.

Intentionally repeats actions to see if results will differ (rolling objects down a ramp, waiving bubbles)

Situations for Observation of Skill

Observe the child experimenting with an action.

Elicitation Strategy

While on the nature walk, model doing different actions (only once) and see if the child repeats the actions over time. For example, walk on tiptoes, kick a rock, twirl, walk on a log, etc.).Alternatively, introduce bubbles and different types of bubble wands.

Behavior Observed

As the child discovers an interesting cause-and-effect result (rolling something down a slide, making large and small bubbles), the child repeats actions to see if he gets the same result.

Routines-based Intervention (Embedded Instruction)

Explain that experimentation is a more powerful way to learn than being told something. Children remember what they discover for themselves. Encourage experimentation by asking, “I wonder what will happen if you….?” (e.g., put something down the slide that doesn’t have wheels).

 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015

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