List of Skills by Age
1-2 Months
Body parts easily manipulated for dressing
2-4 Months
Practices grasping by clutching or pulling at clothing
4-6 Months
Becomes more active and excited while being dressed
6-8 Months
Lifts legs for diapering and dressing
8-10 Months
Anticipates adult’s actions and starts to offer arm
10-12 Months
Holds foot out for shoe and socks
12-15 Months
Once pants are over bottom, pushes pants off in sitting
15-18 Months
Tries to put shoes on, usually gets half way
Lifts foot for adult to put on pants or shoe
18-21 Months
“Dresses up” in large size clothes that are easier to get on
21-24 Months
Helps push/pull underpants and pants down/up
Locates head hole in shirt and pulls it on
24-27 Months
Pulls elastic-top pants over bottom and down
27-30 Months
Tries to put both feet in one leg hole
30-33 Months
Puts on own shoes, but may be on wrong feet
Puts on shirt, socks, and coat
Unties laces and takes off shoes
33-36 Months
Opens and closes snaps and Velcro closures
36-42 Months
Puts socks on with correct heel orientation
42-48 Months
48-54 Months
Distinguishes front and back, inside out
Orients pants correctly and puts on
Independent with Velcro fastenings on shoes
Buttons and unbuttons most sizes of buttons
54-60 Months
Puts shoes on the correct feet
 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015
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