List of Skills by Age
1-2 Months
Calms to rhythmic movement, sounds, and music
2-4 Months
Produces vocalizations and shakes sound toys
4-6 Months
Makes vowel sounds and early consonants
6-8 Months
8-10 Months
"Dances” to music in sitting or standing
Produces jargon with intonation
10-12 Months
Bounces to rhythm while standing
Vocalizes to music and tries to sing
12-15 Months
Actually dances with weight-shifting, not just bouncing
15-18 Months
Dances in different directions and in circles
18-21 Months
Listens to music, sings and dances
Discriminates loud and soft sounds
21-24 Months
24-27 Months
Engages in “music babble” as he sings and dances
27-30 Months
Experiments with different types of movements
Makes wild swings and kicks with arms and legs to tempo (fast/slow); dances on toes
30-33 Months
Remembers songs and finger plays
Imitates adults’ actions and movements
33-36 Months
Pretends to be something with movements, such as falling leaf, snow flake, cloud, flower, etc.
36-42 Months
Dances and sings to familiar music
42-48 Months
Creates silly songs and dances
48-54 Months
Combines movements to create a novel dance
54-60 Months
 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015
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