List of Skills by Age
1-2 Months
2-4 Months
Discriminates people, preferred objects, tastes, smells, textures
4-6 Months
Uses shape, size and color to tell the difference between objects
6-8 Months
8-10 Months
Matches two blocks as being the same
10-12 Months
Nests smaller container in a larger one
12-15 Months
Places one block on top of another
15-18 Months
18-21 Months
Nests 4 nesting blocks or bowls
Explores and identifies objects that are big/small, heavy/light, and tall/short, with assistance
21-24 Months
Examines a small group of objects and knows which has more if there is a big discrepancy in amount
24-27 Months
Correctly nests four or more small square boxes
Stacks five circular rings in correct size order
27-30 Months
30-33 Months
Points to smaller/larger of two objects
33-36 Months
Knows empty/full; small/smaller; large/larger
36-42 Months
Compares pictures, colors, shapes to do simple puzzles
42-48 Months
Identifies amounts of dissimilar items (small numbers)
Matches related items and determines if they are the same number
48-54 Months
Talks about past, present, future
Matches unrelated items and determines if they are the same amount
54-60 Months
Meaningfully uses words equal, more, less, and fewer
Knows to count and compare regardless of the attributes in the set
 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015
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