List of Skills by Age
1-2 Months
Calms to rhythmic movement, sounds, and music
2-4 Months
Listens to sounds and begins to differentiate
4-6 Months
Comforted by soft, rhythmic melodious sounds, music, and movement (stops crying)
6-8 Months
Reacts differently to different musical patterns
8-10 Months
Listens attentively to sounds and words
Watches and tries to imitate movements
10-12 Months
Bounces to rhythm while standing
12-15 Months
Shows intense interest in speech sounds and music
15-18 Months
Imitate sounds, words, and movements
18-21 Months
Remembers short action sequences
21-24 Months
Identifies preference in instrumental music
24-27 Months
Increases activity level with fast rhythms
27-30 Months
Attends to more than one characteristic of objects at a time (sound and movement)
30-33 Months
Remembers pictures, finger plays, dance moves, songs
33-36 Months
Names or sings favorite songs, finger plays, etc.
36-42 Months
Imbues music, dances with emotion
42-48 Months
Enjoys group singing and dance
48-54 Months
54-60 Months
 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015
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