List of Skills by Age
1-2 Months
Prefers large, bold patterns to plain pictures
2-4 Months
Prefers patterns with finer details
Begins to perceive overall pattern structure
Recognizes meaning of familiar patterns (faces)
4-6 Months
Recognizes objects by the shape pattern (bottle, cup, ball)
6-8 Months
Recognizes objects and people based on sensory characteristics
8-10 Months
Begins to perceive emotional expressions at meaningful patterns
10-12 Months
Determines what the whole image is based on seeing part of the image
12-15 Months
Aware of time sequences or activity sequences (i.e. night followed by day; socks on before shoes)
Notices patterns in carpets, shirts, etc. with pointing or words
15-18 Months
Imitates patterns of movement and singing
18-21 Months
Copies patterns using sounds or physical movements, with adult prompting and guidance
21-24 Months
Notices attributes and calls them a “pattern” even if not a pattern
24-27 Months
Tries to imitate songs and finger plays, dance moves, and rhythms with instruments
27-30 Months
Makes up simple non-repeating patterns with blocks, beads of different shapes or colors
30-33 Months
Makes spatial designs with blocks or shapes
33-36 Months
Notices simple repeat patterns (short, long, short, long) in block set
Recognizes a simple pattern with one different attribute
36-42 Months
Compares shapes and makes patterns
Recognizes simple pictures made with shapes (square and triangle look like a house)
Knows sequence of daily events
42-48 Months
Copies simple repeating patterns
Recognizes a simple pattern (two different attributes)
Duplicates an ABAB pattern, but may need to create it next to the original
Fills in a missing element of a pattern
48-54 Months
Recognizes a simple pattern (three different attributes)
Duplicates simple patterns seen at a distance
Creates original patterns in art work
54-60 Months
 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015
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