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Aware of effects of own actions versus others
Responds to own name by turning to look
Derives pleasure from attaining goals (smiles and laughs)
Persists to get a desired toy and explores for several minutes to learn characteristics
“Woos” adult with sounds, smiles, gestures
Cries if adult leaves or stranger appears
Attempts to get the attention of other children with vocalizations and actions
Demonstrates intentional two-way communication or turn taking
Begins to learn behavioral implications of own and others’ actions
Demonstrates a variety of emotions, including sadness, anger, disgust, worry, fear, and curiosity
Beginning to learn the meaning of “no,” stops action briefly then continues
Prone: Controlled reaching with weight on one arm
Head leads when pulled to sit or stand
May pull to stand on a support surface
Crawls, climbs, transitions through many positions
Prone: Uses arms and legs to pivot
Pushes up to sit from side or crawl
Prone: Reaches with one arm, with weight on other extended arm
Grasp (of tiny object): Initially, rakes object into palm with fingers, thumb bent
Drops, throws, pushes, and pulls objects
Release: Releases object with assist against
Manipulates two objects at a time
Takes one or two swallows from a cup
Distinguishes friendly and angry talking
Responds to own name with head turn, eye contact, or smile
Shows desire to be included in social interactions with others
Enjoys playing games such as peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake
Consonant-vowel sounds emerging (da, ma) for babbling
Imitates sound sequences in one breath
Babbles with some consonant-vowel sounds
Produces consonants /m, n, b, p, t, d/ in babbling
Demonstrates recognition of names of objects by looking at them when named
Helps adult turn pages by pushing them to the left, after the adult has separated a page
Examines things from different perspectives to explore size, shape, texture, sound, etc.
Recognizes people and objects based on sensory characteristics (favored blanket, toy, food)
Inspects objects for a long time
Shows attentional preferences when given a choice between two objects
Reacts differently to different musical patterns
Inspects objects for a long time
Calmed more easily by familiar adult
May show distress when strangers are near
Consistently makes the sounds of the parent’s language
Recognizes objects and people based on sensory characteristics
Uses shape, sound, color, and texture to identify object
Finds an hidden object if observes it being hidden
Examines things upside down to compare perspectives
 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015
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