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Moves body to get desired object, and uses goal-directed actions with hands and fingers
Shows anticipation and excitement when causes expected result to occur
Becomes task-directed with objects and pokes, pushes and pulls to get a result
Demonstrates separation distress and stranger anxiety
Responds differently to different people
Follows simple commands (“Give me…”)
Looks to adult when admonished, but continues actions, may crawl to adult for comforting
Social referencing (checks adults cues) used to determine how he should respond to situations
Prone: Reaches from hands and knees position
May get to stand from half kneel
May begin to crawl on all fours
Prone: Moves from hands and knees to sit
May use a modified hands-and-knees position, with one foot and one knee on the ground
Sits without support and plays with toys
Moves to hands and knees from sit
Sits down from standing without falling
Begins cruising, using furniture for support
Climbs up and down from chairs
Sitting: One arm reaches in direct approach, with wrist and fingers extended
Grasp (of tiny object): Lateral pincer - Picks up object between thumb and side of index finger
Tries to poke object with all fingers extended - may poke with thumb
Grasp: Radial-digital grasp-object moves to between thumb and fingertips
Grasp: Three-jaw chuck grasp- object held with thumb and two fingers
Dumps objects out of container
No longer loses liquid from mouth when breast/bottle removed
Anticipates adult’s actions and starts to offer arm
Takes ground or junior foods and mashed table foods
Opens mouth as spoon approaches
Uses upper lip to remove food from spoon
Follows simple requests paired with gestures
Understands some frequently used words
Follows point or visual gaze of another person
Points to direct attention of adult
Initiates interactions by reaching for the adult’s mouth, nose, etc.
Vocalizes when asked a question
Requests actions (e.g., “Up” with arms) and/or requests objects (e.g., reaches toward adult)
Produces sounds /m, n, d, b, y, w/
Produces a wide variety of sound combinations
Beginning of adult speech (starting to develop certain vowels, syllables, diphthongs)
“Sings” along with familiar songs
Produces a variety of speech sounding patterns in jargon
Examines pictures when items are pointed to
Gestures to indicate desire to read a book again
Sits on adult’s lap and attends to several books in a row
Vocalizes while looking at pictures in a book, catalog, newspaper, greeting card, etc.
Exhibits turn-taking -listens then vocalizes during the adult’s pause
Uses hands and fingers to try to put things together
Remembers simple games (peek-a-boo, patty cake) and actions to apply to a toy or object
Sustains interest in looking at pictures
Follows what someone points to
Deliberately seeks out and attends to preferred toys
Listens attentively to sounds and words
Watches and tries to imitate movements
Produces jargon with intonation
"Dances” to music in sitting or standing
Demonstrates separation distress, resistance to strangers
Reads emotional expressions of same race better than other races
Matches two blocks as being the same
Time: Shows awareness of consistent daily routines
Begins to perceive emotional expressions at meaningful patterns
Uses haptic (touch) exploration to determine size, hardness, shape, temperature, and texture
Finds a hidden object, even if it was previously hidden elsewhere
Aware of vertical space, drops things
Aware of vertical space, fears heights
Experiments with cause-and-effect (e.g., dropping objects)
Recognizes familiar objects by name
Shows interest and curiosity about the natural world by exploring characteristics of items in nature
 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015
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