Click on a skill below for information about observing the skill, elicting the skill, and interventions related to the skill.
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Anticipates the results of actions with familiar toys or people
Repeats actions known to get a positive response (i.e., “Shows off”)
Persists in accomplishing complex tasks with support from adult
Shares joint attention on an object with an adult and takes turns
Resists control, says, “No.” ”Don’t”; throws temper tantrum to get own way; moves away from adult
Looks to adult before doing something out-of-bounds
Understands simple “right” and “wrong”
Demonstrates recognition that his action was not acceptable (showing guilt)
Throws temper tantrums to get own way
Recognizes other’s distress and pats, touches them
Understands what adult wants and spontaneously offers object
Approaches a small, low chair, turns and sits down
Stands, squats, stoops, and then moves back to stand
Creeps up stairs on hands and knees
Catches ball when rolled between his legs while sitting
Pushes and pulls toys around the house or yard
Takes quick short steps on level surfaces
Kicks ball while holding on for support
Skills combined into Reach/Grasp/Release
Reach: Beginning of two-handed reach, with one hand stabilizing
Uses tools such as a spoon, fork, comb, washcloth, etc.
Grasp: Refined pincer grasp between tip of thumb to tip of index finger
Release (of tiny object): Precise release into small container with wrist extended
Makes dots on paper by banging marker
Holds and drinks from lidded cup using two hands
Once pants are over bottom, pushes pants off in sitting
Opens mouth for teeth to be brushed
Uses facial expressions, squatting to indicate need to eliminate
Suck-swallow-breathe pattern coordinated during a long drinking sequence
Eats coarsely chopped table foods, including chopped meats
Dips spoon in food and brings it to mouth; turns spoon to get contents in mouth
Uses well- coordinated diagonal rotary chew
No longer drools unless teething
Holds out hands to be washed and dried
Searches for objects named, but not present
Finds objects named from a group of different objects
Understands “where” questions (e.g., “Where is the blankie?")
Points to request information or an action
Responds to a yes/no question with head movement
Responds to “Where is” questions by pointing to a familiar object or person
Uses rising intonation to request information
Produces consonants /b, m, n, t, d, w/
Produces word approximations (e.g., “muh” for milk)
Often repeats same syllable (“wawa” for water)
Unintelligible except for a few words, mostly with consonant-vowel sequence
Uses social words: (e.g., Says “Hi,” “Bye”; uses a version of “Thank you”)
Sustains interest in named pictures for 2-5 minutes
Uses “book babble” (jargon sounds like reading)
Searches for favorite pictures in a book
Relates an object in a picture to something or someone in the real world
Puts objects on top of each other
Performs deferred imitation of actions of others (adults, siblings, peers)
Watches adults and anticipates their actions
Knows what adult wants them to do
May know an action is out-of- bounds, but decides to do it anyway
Shows intense interest in speech sounds and music
Sustains interest in pictures for 2 to 5 minutes
Actually dances with weight-shifting, not just bouncing
Makes random scribbles with crayon or marker using fisted grasp
Cares for doll (i.e. puts to bed, feeds, etc.)
Enjoys being around other children
Engages in doll play, recreating nurturing of parents
Shares toys with family, friends, and siblings
Knows all family members and friends, cautious with strangers
Says numbers 1,2 but with no meaning
Keeps track of quantities up to 3 (when they are moved out of sight)
Places one block on top of another
Time: Aware that certain events follow each other (nap, drink)
Aware of time sequences or activity sequences (i.e. night followed by day; socks on before shoes)
Notices patterns in carpets, shirts, etc. with pointing or words
Places objects into categories (blocks, animals, food)
Stacks rings, though may not be in right order
Matches block shapes to build a tower of 3-4 blocks
Makes a detour to get to an object
Shifts body weight to walk on sloped surface
 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015
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